Brook Farm Cattery – Izzy Cottage
Izzy Cottage was designed to house up 16 cats, we have two huge Family Suites that can hold up to six cats and one medium sized family suite that can hold up to four cats. Izzy Cottage was built with country cottages in mind and has quickly become a favourite of most of our customers, it is rare that our visitors don’t comment on how pretty it is and some even say that they would like to stay instead of the cats! We make sure the cats have fresh air, scratch posts, litter boxes, an assortment of toys, clean bedding, fresh water, music, heating/cooling as needed and plenty of cuddles!
At Brook Farm Cattery we provide every one of our guests with food and treats built into the price, however if you want to bring your own food, litter, bedding, toys etc…you are welcome to do so!
Why “Izzy Cottage” ?

Izzy (Izzy Wizzy Woo) was our families first dog, she was more than a pet, she was literally a member of the family. She had many nicknames Izzy, Isabelle, Izzy Wizzy Woo but she was most commonly known as Isabella Olivia Grace Phoebe Bum-fluff Southworth and were not joking!
She ruled the house, at the time we had five other dogs and they all knew who was the boss, she had a tendency to steal bones and horde them (as displayed in the picture to the left). We often say that we have never known a dog to love food as much as our Izzy! Izzy Cottage is our most beautiful cattery so it only seemed fitting to name it after Isabella Olivia Grace Phoebe Bum-fluff Southworth.